Individual Cup

This relatively new tournament is supposed to close the season every year. It has not been held so regularly so far. Attendance suffer from the date (a lot of players are already on holiday at that time, or a bit tired from a long season). It is meant to be an occasion for all the players who can't play so much as to figure well in the Defi to concentrate on a one day event which is perfectly open.

This tournament is also the occasion to make some initiation. Some core players of the Defi had their first game during the first edition of the Individual Cup. Note : one player is unbeaten in the individual Cup, even though he never won it : Yann CLOUET played only one game in each of the two occurences, and won both those games. Also Renaud PRAS won 3 of his 4 games in the Individual Cup.

Next edition : IIIrd, Summer 2002

Location : Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Telecommunications de Paris, 53, rue Vergniaud - 75013 Métro Glacière - RER Cité U - Bus 62 Vergniaud

Official Site : section Events

Contact :

System : various. last edition 2 round tournament.

Rules : WEBC Rules

Registration : Free for members of the Defi.


Event History


2001 -10 players
Winner : Hervé Sicart

Individual Ranking
1. Hervé Sicart (1 win, 1 second)
2. Thomas Sechet (1 win, 1 third)
3. Renaud Pras (1 win, 1 fourth)
4. Yann Clouet (1 win)

purple : 2 / 1* / 1 / 0
green : 0 / 4* / 0 / 0
red : 2 / 0 / 0 / 2
blue : 0 / 0 / 2 / 2
(* one tie for second)


1999 -18 players
Winner : Renaud Pras

Individual Ranking
1. Renaud Pras (2 win, 1 second)
2. Laurent Boukobza (1 win, 1 third)
3. Yann Clouet (1 win)