The "arlesienne" of the French Hobby. the project has been dreamed of many time to organise every year a "Master" tournament between the best during the year for each color. This would be based on the ELO ranking. But never so far has it been organise. Now, the number of tournament avilable and of games played outside the defi might make it an interesting alternative, a second "final of the year".
The system of designation of the 4 players is the following : take the best 'in absolute value) color ELO of the year. Then, among the remaining player, take the best color ELO of the 3 remaining COLOR. Then same for the third and same for the fourth. It could leed to surprise guest, since some players are very strong with one color and average with the rest. And the game itself would be certainly one to watch.
Based on the 1999 overall ELO ranking it would have given :
Red : Jean-Marc Breant
Green : Renaud Pras
Purple : Yann Clouet
Blue : Emmanuel Lorge
Based on the 2000 overall ELO ranking it would have given :
Blue : Renaud Pras
Red : Breant Jean-Marc
Green : Dubois Christophe
Purple : Yann Clouet
Next edition : Ist, Summer 2002
Location : to be determined.
Official Site : section Events
Contact :
System : 1 table with the 4 best of each color during the year playing their best color
Rules : WEBC Rules
Registration : Free for members of the Defi.